Fingering of high register trills
Click here for an explanation of fingering charts.
The charts below are arranged in pitch from the lowest note of the trill, shown on the far left. The pitches shown on the right of the double barline represent the upper note of the trill.

1. Diffuse and airy pp-mf

1. Diffuse pp-mf

1. Awkward, slow tempo
2. Noisy. Use standard fingering first

1. Use standard fingering first
2. Noisy

1. Noisy (lower pitches in sound)
2. Medium tempo, noisy, temperamental

1. Use standard fingering first

1. Noisy, top note flat
2. Use standard fingering first. f/ff only

1. Diffuse
2. Use standard fingering first. f/ff only

1. Airy
2. Diffuse

1. Noisy

1. Noisy

1. Noisy